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1 |Then Peter Stepped Out of The Boat

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Stepping out to do something new is already a Big deal, but throw faith into the mix and you get a whole new dynamic of Adventure.

There he was. Three kids and a wife standing in front. He always liked to lead from behind because it allowed him to keep his eyes on what he was carrying and what mattered most. Plus he figured His Lord would cover his back because he had no intention of looking there. "Go, get on the plane." Words he never thought would have led him to the adventure set before him. He sits at his home office pondering the last year and all that he has seen his Lord do through the action of obedience he's walked in. There have been a few moments where he has felt like the foundation that kept his life steady was like water being made solid so his feet can stand firm. His Lord's power and ability to change the very state of matter itself made following him and easy choice for the samurai. Most are naturally scared while others have seen this "trick" before. The Samurai like the mouth of the river, son of the one of Grace, has been walking on water for a great duration of his life.

This would be no different. He remembers these words from his Lord "I want you to be comfortable running, playing, and, falling on the water. You are to be prepared to live Life on the Water." He ponders them every step he takes. Will this be the moment his faith in his Lord Fails and he leans on his own understanding? Will he in fact sink? Words from his Lord echo through his being. "I am faithful. You are My obedient son. With Me anything is possible. Only believe and do." The Samurai is reminded when he came to the Land his Lord owned, and how different it was from any kingdom he had encountered. He was always seen as a expendable tool or a useable resource by his previous lords. But in this land he was called "son," and he was treated as such.

He stepped into the place of meeting his Lord; set apart for just them to talk. He knelt in the traditional way of a samurai as his Lord said with a smile "My son, tell Me of your adventure into the lands." "But You were there My Lord." The Samurai Replied.

"True, but I enjoy listening to how you perceived the events that unfolded during your trip. So please, indulge Me in this matter." The Samurai retorted all of the events on he Journey to date, and his Lord enjoyed every moment of it. As the Samurai perceived the Joy of the Lord filling the room,

his mind rested easy knowing his Lord,

his Father,

delighted in him, and his strength was instantly restored. To Be Continued....

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**** Disclaimer this comment is Generated by K=JinJapan's tester team it is not a real users comment*** Wow thats really something

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